Are you an international or local student? Are you an international or local student?

1 I am a:

2 I want to study in:


Policies and procedures

As well as the below general student policies, Angliss has additional policies and procedures that specifically apply to International Students.

Academic Integrity

The purpose of the Academic Integrity policy and procedure is to ensure that a clear standard is articulated regarding the submission of work for assessment and reinforcement of the principles of Student Academic Integrity and ensure students and staff are fully informed of this policy regarding what constitutes academic integrity, cheating, and plagiarism.

Academic Integrity Policy 
Academic Integrity Procedure - VET
Academic Integrity Procedure - Higher Education

Access and Equity

William Angliss Institute is proud of the diversity of its students and is committed to giving them a fair, accessible and equitable environment in which to learn. If necessary, we're happy to make reasonable adjustments to ensure access and equity for enrolled students who have met our selection criteria.

Diversity, Access and Equity for Students Policy
Support for Students with Diagnosed Access Needs Policy
Support for Students with Diagnosed Access Needs Procedure

For more information contact Student Support Services on 1300 ANGLISS.

Appeal Process

If you decide to appeal a decision made under our fees and charges policy, you'll need to follow the process outlined in the fees and charges brochure. For more information call 1300 ANGLISS.


The Institute's Assessment policies are detailed in the Delivery and Assessment information.


You can't learn if you don't show up to class. It's our policy to monitor attendance and we expect you to attend 100% of classes unless you're ill.  See the Student Code of Conduct for more information on your attendance requirements.

Australian Democratic Principles and Practice

William Angliss Institute adheres to the democratic principles and practice of Australian democracy and its communication to the community.  The programs and teaching that William Angliss Institute delivers supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:

  • elected government
  • the rule of law
  • equal rights for all before the law
  • freedom of religion
  • freedom of speech and association
  • the values of openness and tolerance

Complaints, Grievances and Appeals

If you have a serious complaint about your course, your assessment or the Institute, we want to hear from you. We've developed a student grievances procedure to make things fair for everyone, and it outlines the process that everyone needs to follow. Visit the Complaints and Appeals page or refer to the below documents for more information.

Child Safety

The Institute is committed to protecting children from harm and providing a safe environment in which they can participate and learn. This extends to protection from physical, sexual, emotional and psychological harm, neglect, and harm related to a child's racial, cultural or religious background, whether in person or online. A child is a person under 18 years of age.

All students should be aware that assault, physical or sexual abuse of a child under 16 years of age is a criminal offence and any matter of this nature will be referred to the Victorian Police.

If you experience or observe any inappropriate behaviour relating to the above, you can raise any concerns with:

Child Safe Policy
Child Safe (Responding To and Reporting Child Abuse) Procedure


We reserve the right to cancel your enrolment if you give us incorrect information or false documentation or if you withhold information from us that relates to your application. In these circumstances, you won't be eligible for a refund of any fees or charges you've already paid. In exceptional or extenuating circumstances, senior management at William Angliss Institute may waive this policy.

For more information call 1300 ANGLISS.


Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained on this website is correct at the time of publication. William Angliss Institute reserves the right to change or alter course schedules, location, admission requirements, fees and staffing if and when necessary. All reasonable attempts will be made to provide appropriate notification to enrolled students.

Duty of Care

William Angliss Insitute has a Duty of Care to ensure that staff take appropriate measures to minimise risks to the safety and welfare of students in their care.

Student Duty of Care Procedure

Excursions, Field Trips and Hiring Equipment

In some courses, excursions and field trips are mandatory components of the curriculum. Bear in mind that you may be up for some additional costs associated with these trips, like accommodation or transport.

We'll let you know if you need to hire or buy any equipment for your course. The cost of this is your responsibility.

Freedom of Information

William Angliss Institute complies with government regulations about freedom of information, as outlined under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.  Requests for access to documents of the William Angliss Institute of TAFE under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 are the responsibility of the Institute's Freedom of Information (FOI) Manager. Requests for information must be put in writing and should be addressed to:

Manager, Freedom of Information
William Angliss Institute
555 La Trobe Street
Melbourne 3000 Victoria

For more information see our privacy page.


William Angliss Institute generally charges its students for the training services it provides. The Fees, Charges and Refunds policies and procedures provide details of the types of charges that a student may incur, how due dates are established and under what circumstances and timeframes refunds will be payable.

Fees, Charges and Refunds Policy
Fees, Charges and Refunds Procedure
Remission of Debt in Special Circumstances
Remission of Debt for Unacceptable Conduct

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality

The Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy states William Angliss Institute's position on:

  •     responding to offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality; and
  •     providing gifts, benefits and hospitality.

This policy supports individuals and William Angliss Institute to avoid conflicts of interest and maintain high levels of integrity and public trust.

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy
Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Procedure, Flow Chart and Declaration Form
Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Public Register

Online Delivery Service Standards

William Angliss Institute offers a range of courses that are delivered partly or wholly online. William Angliss Institute is committed to providing a quality learning experience for students studying online and these online service standards explain our commitment to students in key areas.


All students need to attend our orientation program before starting their course. At orientation you'll be given stacks of essential information about:

  •     specific course requirements
  •     your duties and responsibilities
  •     our services and facilities
  •     styles of teaching and learning used to deliver your course.

We'll also provide :

  •     timetables for the current semester
  •     student ID photo cards
  •     equipment and uniform lists (if required).

Protected Disclosure

The Institute has no tolerance for misconduct, which may involve corrupt conduct, mismanagement of public resources or creating or exposing risks to public health and safety or the environment. In line with the Protected Disclosure Act 2012, the Institute has a policy and procedure which seeks to promote and facilitate disclosure of misconduct and provide support for those who come forward to make a disclosure. Students, staff, and members of the public are encouraged to report any misconduct they become aware of regarding the Institute (and its staff) to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC).

The IBAC may be contacted in the following ways:

Address: Level 1, North Tower, 459 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Phone: 1300 735 135
Fax: (03) 8635 6444
Mail: GPO Box 24234, Melbourne, VIC 3001

Any queries regarding the protected disclosure process or policy should be forwarded to the Institute's Protected Disclosure Coordinator:

Protected Disclosure Coordinator
William Angliss Institute
555 La Trobe Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia
Telephone: 1300 ANGLISS

Reassessment/Catch-up fees

A fee will be charged to all students who are required to be re-enrolled to cover the cost of tuition fees and student amenities fees where a student has not passed a unit. This charge will apply at an hourly rate per unit. This fee could be charged at the Government subsided Place rate, Fee for Service rate, Standard Fee rate or concession fee rate.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Vocational Education and Training

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) also known as Skills Recognition or Credit Transfer - is a process that evaluates and recognises the skills and knowledge you have gained from work experience, work-based training, life experience and previous study. It allows your experience to be formally recognised.

Applying for Skills recognition can shorten the duration of your study time, give you a formal qualification and enhance your future career prospects.

VET Credit Transfer Policy
VET Credit Transfer Procedure
VET Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
VET Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure

Higher Education

Students may receive academic credit towards course requirements for prior learning both formal and informal.

Higher Education Recognition of Prior Learning Policy 
Higher Education Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure

How do I apply?

Apply and attach any relevant documentation (resumes, referees, academic transcripts, evidence of prior work experience).

Satellite Campuses

Higher Education Delivery on an Onshore Remote Campus Policy
Higher Education Delivery on an Onshore Remote Campus Procedure

Selection and Admissions

William Angliss Institute is committed to ensuring there is a clear and consistent approach for selection and admission for all prospective students.

Selection and Admissions Policy
Domestic Student Selection and Admissions Procedure
Higher Education Admissions Transparency

Severe Weather and Bushfires

Angliss works to ensure the safety of all staff and students in events of extreme weather.

Severe Weather and Bushfire Weather Warning Procedure

Student Agreement

When you enrol in a William Angliss Institute course, you're entering into an agreement with us for the period of the program as stipulated in the confirmation of enrolment we provide. Paying your tuition fees in full is part of the agreement contract.

If you accept a place and later want to withdraw from your course due to a change in circumstances, we'll refund your tuition fees in accordance with the Institute's refund policy and procedure.

Student Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to explain to students their obligations and responsibilities and convey the Institute’s principles, which are aimed at enhancing the learning experience.

Student Progress

Student Progress Policy
Higher Education Support for Students Policy

Student Volunteers

A number of Angliss students each year volunteer in activities or events organised by the Institute outside their normal scheduled classes. These activities include things like student representation, membership of student clubs and societies, Open Day
volunteering, and attendance at external events that are supported by the Institute such as Melbourne Food & Wine Festival and other events and conferences. It is important that these opportunities support students, recognise their contribution and adhere to legal and WHS requirements.

Student Volunteer and Employment Procedure
Student Volunteer Recognition Procedure

Tuition Assurance Scheme

Under the provisions of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA), William Angliss Institute is required to provide a tuition assurance arrangement for persons, other than overseas students, who are enrolled in our courses. This requirement is to protect students in the event that William Angliss Institute ceases to provide a course of study in which a student is enrolled. You can read our ‘Statement of Tuition Assurance’ and view our membership certificates by clicking on the links below.

Statement of VET Tuition Assurance for Exempt TAFE VET Student Loans (VSL) Providers
Statement of Tuition Assurance for Higher Education

Withdrawal from Units or Courses

Refer to our Withdrawal from units or courses page