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Academic Profile - Eminent Professor Richard Mitchell

Professor Richard Mitchell


Richard has been an academic and educator for the last 25 years. He taught across several areas of tourism, hospitality and culinary arts until 2022 when he moved to programme leadership role and interim directorship. He currently supervises professional practice masters and doctoral learners. He is recognised as a learning and teaching expert and curriculum designer with a strong passion for design pedagogy, assessment of prior learning and work-based learning.

His research interests can best be described as eclectic as it spans wine and food tourism, hospitality, culinary arts, consumer behaviour, business, experience design, teaching and learning, and sport and leisure. He is currently writing a philosophical autoethnography on pain and suffering in endurance leisure and has plans for another autoethnography on hospitality in different settings and across our life-course.



  • PhD (University of Otago)
  • Grad Dip Tourism (University of Otago)
  • Grad Diploma in Tertiary Education (Otago Polytechnic)
  • BA Hons (Geography) (University of Otago)


Areas of expertise

Research Fields

  • Wine and food tourism
  • Hospitality studies
  • Food design
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Leisure Studies

Teaching and Learning

  • Curriculum and learning design
  • Design pedagogy
  • Work-based learning
  • Assessment of prior learning
  • Reflective practice
  • Tourism, hospitality, food design, wine


  • Autoethnography
  • Mixed methods


Academic/Professional Awards

  • 2014 Nomination for National Tertiary Excellence Award
  • 2013 Recipient of Otago Polytechnic Teaching Excellence award


List of publications

  • Mitchell, R. (2024) Building Academic Confidence and Skills through Recognition of Prior Learning. CBExhange Asia-Pacific, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore February 29 - March 1.
  • Mann, S. Osborne, P., Mitchell, R., Kirkwood, J., & Roodt, H. (2023) A Practice-led Model of Impact for Professional Practice Doctorates. 8th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates, York. 30-31 May.
  • Mitchell, R. (2023) Prior Learning at Otago Polytechnic: What We Have Learned from Prior Learning in Applied Contexts. Applied Learning Conference, Singapore Institute of Technology, 20-21 July.
  • Mitchell, R., Woodhouse, et al. (2022). Deconstructing Learning: The Modernist Classroom. In Chan, S. & Huntington, N. (Eds.) Reshaping Vocational Education and Training in Aotearoa New Zealand, p. 233-250. Springer.
  • Mann, S. Mitchell R. et al. (2022). Educational Design Fictions: Imagining Learning Futures. In MacCallum, K., Parsons, D. (eds) Industry Practices, Processes and Techniques Adopted in Education. Springer, Singapore.
  • Mitchell, R. (2022) Applying Fashion Theory to Wine: A Production of Culture Example. In Charters, S. et al. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Wine and Culture, p. 277-287. Routledge.
  • Mann, S., Osborne, P., Mitchell, R., Kirkwood, J., & Roodt. (2021). Towards a Practice-Led Model of Impact. Professional practice for a positive future capable New Zealand professional practice symposium, Online, Wednesday 27th October.
  • Mitchell, R. Williams, M., & Woodhouse, A. (2020) Transforming culinary arts education: Transformative approaches to recognition of prior learning. 20:20 VISION: New Perspectives on the Diversity of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand.
  • Mitchell, R. & Woodhouse, A. (2019) Fostering culinary identities through education - abandoning the vacherin and embracing Phyllis' pavlova. Scope Contemporary Research Topics, Learning & Teaching, 7, 23-30.
  • Mitchell, R. & Woodhouse, A. (2019) How assessment of prior learning practices can inform in-class assessment. Talking Teaching, 28-29 November, Auckland.
  • Mitchell, R. & Woodhouse, A. (2019) Embracing Holistic Assessment and Naturally Emerging Evidence: How assessment of prior learning has informed in-class assessment practices 11th Asian Conference on Education (ACE) 31 October to 3 November 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Mitchell, R. & Woodhouse, A. (2018) Design as pedagogy: Giving culinary arts students agency over their learning. In Experiencing Food, Designing Dialogues. Bonacho et al. (Eds). Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  • Woodhouse, A. & Mitchell, R. (2018) Using design methodologies to problematise the dominant logic of current culinary pedagogy. In Experiencing Food, Designing Dialogues. Bonacho et al. (Eds). Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  • Mitchell, R. & Woodhouse, A. (2018) An Uncomfortable Place. Symposium of Australian Gastronomy, 5 November 2018.
  • Mitchell, R. & Woodhouse, A. (2018) I make; therefore, I know: Assessing Cognitive and Creative Problem-Solving Using Embodied Performances of Practice. Talking Teaching Conference, Christchurch, November 2018.
  • Mitchell, R. & Woodhouse, A. (2017) Customising assessment to meet student needs. Assessing Learning Conference, Otago Polytechnic, 29 Nov - 1 December.
  • Mitchell, R. D. (2016) Performing Food. 21st Symposium of Australian Gastronomy, Melbourne, Australia, 2 - 5 December 2016.
  • Mitchell, R. (2015) Narrative & Aesthetics: Constructs for the Design of Food Experiences. Second International Conference on Food Design, November 5-7, 2015, The New School, New York.
  • Charters, S. & Mitchell, R. (2014) Food and Wine Events in Europe and the New World: A Comparison. In Cavicchi, A. and Santini, C., eds, Food and Wine Events in Europe: A Stakeholder Approach, p. 15-27. Routledge.
  • Mitchell, R. & Scott, D. (2013) A Critical Turn in Hospitality and Tourism Research? In Murcott, A., Belasco, W. and Jackson, P. (Eds.). The Handbook of Food Research. Bloomsbury. p. 229-249.
  • Mitchell, R. Woodhouse, A., Heptinstall, T. and Camp, J. (2013) Why use design methodology in culinary arts education? Hospitality & Society. 3(3), p. 241–262.
  • Mitchell, R. D., Charters, S., and Albrecht, J. (2012). Cultural systems and the wine tourism product. Annals of Tourism Research. 39(1). p. 311–335
  • Galloway, G. Mitchell, R., Getz, D., Crouch, G., Ong, B. (2008)Sensation seeking and the prediction of attitudes and behaviours of wine tourists. Tourism Management. 29(5) p. 950-966.
  • Randall, C. and Mitchell, R. (2008) Wine tourism marketing alliances: application of importance performance analysis. Tourism Recreation Research. 33(3). p. 289-302.
  • Mitchell, R. D. and Hall C. M. (2006) Wine Tourism Research: The State of Play. Tourism Review International. 9(4) p. 307-332.
  • Hall, C. M. and Mitchell, R. D. (2005) Wine Marlborough: A Profile of Visitors to New Zealand’s Oldest Wine Festival. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 3(1) p. 77-90.
  • Mitchell, R. D. and Hall C. M. (2004) The Post-Visit Consumer Behaviour of New Zealand Winery Visitors. Journal of Wine Research. 15(1) p.37-47.
  • Mitchell R. D. and Hall, C. M. (2003) Seasonality in New Zealand winery visitation: an issue of demand and supply. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 14(3/4) p. 155-173.
  • Mitchell, R. D. and Hall, C. M. (2001) Lifestyle behaviours of New Zealand winery visitors: wine club activities, wine cellars and place of purchase. International Journal of Wine Marketing. 13(3) p. 82-93.
  • Mitchell, R. D. and Hall C. M. (2001) Wine at home: self-ascribed wine knowledge and the wine behaviour of New Zealand winery visitors. Australian and New Zealand Wine Industry Journal. 16(6) p. 115-122.
  • Mitchell, R. D. and Hall, C. M. (2001) The Influence of Gender and Region on the New Zealand Winery Visit. Tourism Recreation Research. 2(1) p. 63-75.
  • Hall, C. M. and Mitchell, R. D. (2001) We are what we eat: tourism, culture and the globalisation and localisation of cuisine. Tourism Culture and Communication. 2(1) p. 29-37.
  • Hall, C. M. and Mitchell, R. D. (2000) Wine tourism and rural restructuring and reimaging. Mediterranean Thunderbird International Business Review. 42(4) p. 443-463.


