Kim Williams
Journal Articles
- Steriopoulos,E., Goh, E. & Harkison, T. (2022). Practical teaching tips on designing authentic assessments in Tourism, Hospitality and Events (THE) higher education. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/15313220.2022.2096181
- Steriopoulos, E., & Wrathall, J. (2021). Reimagining and transforming events. Insights from the Australian events industry. Research in Hospitality Management, 11(2), 77-83.
- Sigala, M., & Steriopoulos, E. (2021). Does emotional engagement matter in dark tourism? Implications drawn from a reflective approach. Journal of Heritage Tourism.
- Lagos, E., (2017). “Focus on world festivals: contemporary case studies and perspectives”, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 9(3), 341-343. doi: 10.1080/19407963.2017.1338515
- Lagos, E., (2017): “Focus on world festivals: contemporary european case studies and perspectives”, Newbold, C., Maughan, C., Jordan, J., and Bianchini, F. (editors), Tourism Analysis, 22(4), 591-592.
Wrathall, J and Steriopoulos, E. (2022). Reimagining and reshaping events: theoretical and practical perspectives, Goodfellow Publishers: Oxford.
Edited Book Chapters
- Lagos, E., Dolphin, A., & Kerlin, F. (2019). Designing and running overseas study tours. In S. Beeton & A. Morrison (Eds.), The Study of Food, Tourism, Hospitality and Events : 21st-Century approaches. (pp. 143-153). Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-0638-9_13
Book Reviews
- Steriopoulos, E. (2022, September). Learning by text or context? [Review of the book Managing Festivals and the Visitor Economy Concepts, Collaborations and Cases,by Michael B. Duignan], Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 52, 285-286. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2022.07.004
- Steriopoulos, E. (2020). Spiritual and religious tourism, motivations and management, edited by R Dowson, J. Yaqub, & R. Raj. [Book review]. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 1-2. doi: 10.1080/1743873X.2020.1725266
Conference Activity
- Steriopoulos, E., Goh, E., & Harkison, T. (2022). Co-creating authentic learning experiences based on key teaching practices: A reflective approach. CAUTHE 2022 Conference Online: Shaping the Next Normal in Tourism, Hospitality and Events: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference, 1, 1, 2022, 569-571.
- Steriopoulos, E., & Wrathall, J. (2021, February 9-12). Reset and refocus: The changing landscape of events [Paper presentation]. CAUTHE 2021 Conference Online. Transformations in Uncertain Times: Future perfect in Tourism, Hospitality and Events’.
- Harkison, T, Whitelaw, P and Steriopoulos, E. (2020). Co-creating luxury hotel experiences in Melbourne. In Auckland University of Technology (eds), CAUTHE 2020: 20:20 Vision: New Perspectives on the Diversity of Hospitality, Tourism and Events: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference, (p. 636), Auckland, NZ.
- Steriopoulos, E. (2020). A model of transformative brand experience for pilgrimage tourism. (2020). In Auckland University of Technology (eds), CAUTHE 2020: 20:20 Vision: New Perspectives on the Diversity of Hospitality, Tourism and Events: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference, (p. 210). Auckland, NZ.
- Lagos, E (2019), A researcher’s lived experience: A case study of dark sites in USA, CAUTHE (Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education) Conference, Cairns, 11-14 February, 2019
- Lagos, E, Hall, J and Steel, M (2018). A model of transformative brand experience for pilgrimage tourism, AMA (American Marketing Association), Conference, Boston (USA), 10-12 August, 2018
- Lagos, A., Hall, J. and Wong H. (2017). Branding Gallipoli as a transformative branding experience. In CAUTHE 2017 time for big ideas? : re-thinking the field for tomorrow : bok of abstracts of the 27th Annual Conference . Dunedin : Department of Tourism, University of Otago. 62
- Steriopoulos, E. (2020). A model of transformative brand experience for pilgrimage tourism. [Doctoral dissertation, Deakin University]. Deakin University.
Discover more of Effie Steriopoulos' academic output here.
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