Academic Profile - Dr Kim Williams
Dr Kim Williams is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Higher Education at William Angliss Institute, Melbourne, Australia. Kim lectures in event management and human resources. Her research background is diverse but tends to focus on human resources issues, with a prime emphasis on professional development and training. She is also interested in event management, gastronomy, fashion, and wine tourism. Kim has published in a variety of journals such as Journal of Heritage Tourism, Managing Leisure, Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism and The Australian Journal of Teacher Education and has contributed to a number of research book chapters.
- Doctor of Education, “An Investigation of the Professional Development Practices of Vocational Education and Training Educators in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector.”, Victoria University (2009)
- Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training (TAA40104), Victoria University (2008)
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership in Education and Training, Victoria University (2007)
- Diploma of Training and Assessment Systems (BSZ50198). Australian Industrial Trainers, Assessors & Consultants (2001)
- Master of Education, “Professional Development: Retuning to Industry: Implications for VET Trainers and Teachers of Hospitality” University of Melbourne (2000)
- Graduate Diploma in Education Administration, University of Melbourne (1997)
- Graduate Diploma of Education, Hawthorn Institute of Education (1994)
- Bachelor of Business (Catering and Hotel Management), Footscray Institute of Technology (1985)
Contact details
T: +61 3 9606 2391
Areas of expertise
- Human Resources
- Wine Tourism
- Gastronomy
- Event Management
- Fashion
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