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Trade skills assessment and gap training program

The Trade Skills Assessment and Gap  (TSAGT) Program gives eligible Queenslanders with substantial industry experience the opportunity to complete a priority trade qualification. 

Who is eligible to receive training?
The TSAGT Program targets individuals assessed as demonstrating substantial competency in a priority trade qualification. William Angliss Institute is delivering the SIT30821 - Certificate III in Commercial Cookery and SIT30921 - Certificate III in Catering programs.

Eligible participants will be skilled individuals who:

  1. Can successfully complete a minimum of 60 per cent of the funded competencies in a priority trade qualification through recognition of prior learning (RPL)
  2. Require gap training in no more than 40 per cent of the funded competencies of a priority trade qualification to enable completion of the qualification.

To participate in the TSAGT program, you must:

  • be 21 years of age or older
  • have several years of relevant industry experience – your employment history must substantiate your experience
  • not have previously completed a trade qualification in the same industry area (e.g. an industry area is defined as qualifications in the same national training package)
  • not currently be an apprentice or trainee with a signed training contract under the Further Education and Training Act 2014
  • enrol in an eligible priority trade qualification (XLS, 91KB)
  • enrol at a contracted training provider (XLS, 97KB).

The definition of a priority trade qualification doesn't include every qualification declared and listed as an apprenticeship or traineeship. TSAGT targets most, but not all, apprenticeships that have been declared as a restricted calling in Queenslaand.

For a list of TSAGT Program eligible qualifications, go to

Participants will be required to contribute to the cost of their gap training at the User Choice rate of $1.60 per nominal hour or, where eligible, at the User Choice concessional rate. No participant cohorts are exempt from paying fees for this program.

Participants must not contribute to the cost of their RPL. Please see the table for prices per unit for both Full Fee charged at $1.60 per contact hour and the Concession Fee charged at $0.64 per contact hour.

Fees Table for SIT30921 Certificate III in Catering

Fees Table for SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

The program is available throughout Queensland.

For more information on Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training please call 07 3446 9000 or click on the below link: