A procurement complaint is an issue or concern expressed by a supplier in relation to the process and probity applied by William Angliss Institute when carrying out a procurement activity.
Angliss is committed to transparent, accountable practices and ensuring its procurement processes work effectively and fairly for all parties. Angliss has developed a procurement complaint management process to ensure that any potential suppliers who may have concerns relating to a procurement process can have those concerns addressed through an independent review process (See the section below).
Angliss’ procurement complaint process is aligned with the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) Governance – Goods and services policy.
If you would like to express a concern about a procurement process or probity matter, it is best to raise it first with the team or staff you are dealing with. Most issues are the result of misunderstanding or a process error and can be rectified quickly and easily.
If after providing your feedback you wish to pursue the matter further you may lodge a formal complaint, please submit the procurement complaint providing the details of the basis for your complaint using the following format:
- the procurement that the complaint relates to
- the basis for the complaint, specifying the issues involved
- how the subject of the complaint and the specific issue affects you or your organisation
- any relevant background information
- the outcome desired by you or your organisation
- your name and/or organisation's contact details.
Please email the complaint to or post to
Procurement Officer
555 La Trobe Street
After William Angliss Institute receives your complaint an receipt of acknowledgement will be sent and an internal independent investigation will be undertaken in accordance with the Victorian Government Procurement Board (VGPB)’s rules and recommended timelines for managing complaints.
If you are dissatisfied with Angliss' response to your complaint, and it relates to a goods and services procurement, you may refer the matter to VGPB for review. Complaints submitted to the VGPB must be lodged by letter, email or fax within 10 working days of the receipt of the findings by Angliss.
The complainant must provide the following material:
- Evidence that Angliss did not correctly apply supply policies in relation to a procurement activity.
- Evidence that Angliss' complaints management procedures were not applied correctly; and
- A copy of all relevant correspondence between the complainant and Angliss in relation to the nature of the complaint.
VGPB contact below:
The Chair
Victorian Government Purchasing Board
Department of Treasury and Finance
GPO Box 4379
Service providers should also be aware that there are other government bodies who may be able to assist you with your enquiry. Please see the links below for more information: